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Thread: confusion regarding why people keep their good stores a 'secret'

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    confusion regarding why people keep their good stores a 'secret'

    how come people try to keep the casinos with good rules a 'secret'? i can understand if its a noncounting game. but if everything is on CBJN, how come pros dont kill those casinos? I'm under the assumption that CBJN has all casinos and conditions.

  2. #2

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    Quote Originally Posted by realestate View Post
    how come people try to keep the casinos with good rules a 'secret'? i can understand if its a noncounting game. but if everything is on CBJN, how come pros dont kill those casinos? I'm under the assumption that CBJN has all casinos and conditions.
    Because CBJN is not necessarily accurate, for a variety of reasons. These may include an old report not updated, or a possibility of someone keeping something a bit quiet, or any on umber of possibilities, not related to Tom Foolery.

    On a recent Vegas trip, I found, by accident, a truly hidden gem of a game that I massacred heads up over 2 days over about 6-7 hours. It was completely inaccurate in CBJN - and no - not going to say where.

  3. #3
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    Your assumption is correct for all North American casinos;
    but that is a monthly publication, and BJ table conditions
    change without warning; AND rural and small unpopular
    casinos may be considerably longer between updates.

  4. #4
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    A matter of perspective:

    The reason that "secrets" exist can be construed as "greed";
    or simply protecting an exploitable game from being "burned
    out" by eager (skilled) card counters getting wind of it.

    As an altruist, I immediately share with my A.P. friends --
    if I am the one who uncovered the "Candy Store."

    If I am given the "heads-up" I am always sworn to secrecy,
    and thus I must respect my oath.
    Last edited by ZenMaster_Flash; 08-09-2015 at 02:02 PM.

  5. #5

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    Quote Originally Posted by Freightman View Post
    Because CBJN is not necessarily accurate, for a variety of reasons. These may include an old report not updated, or a possibility of someone keeping something a bit quiet, or any on umber of possibilities, not related to Tom Foolery.

    On a recent Vegas trip, I found, by accident, a truly hidden gem of a game that I massacred heads up over 2 days over about 6-7 hours. It was completely inaccurate in CBJN - and no - not going to say where.
    Which brings up an interesting point regarding CVCX. This was a high heat game, but never got backed off. Being familiar with CVCX, simmed this game in my head, on the spot, determined it to be high value at low spread. I confirmed my hypothesis later - actually underestimating SCORE. I never saw so much texting going on between critter, eits, shift mgr, etc, but never got the tap.

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    The best game I ever played I had kept to myself for 2 months;
    only sharing it with A.P.'s that wouldn't stoop to play for low stakes.
    DD with excellent rules for a H.E. of 0.19% where the dealers
    "went for their own". In a profoundly impoverished area, I soon
    found that frequent $1 tokes would have the dealers dealing as
    fast as possible and shuffling whenever I asked for it and dealing
    BEYOND the last card if that was what I had directed.
    The game was $5 to $300. For about $3 a shuffle I got a dream game.

  7. #7

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    IMO, here are a few of reasons why someone wouldn’t share all of their secret [counting] games with a public forum:

    They are making $ with little to no heat
    They discovered the game after mas hours of scouting and are not obligated to share that information with an open forum.
    The individual may have done what they believe to be a good deed and got their game whacked by a whole herd of APs that were outside that stores tolerance level.
    The individual has seen conditions deteriorate after sharing such information with people outside their network.
    Finding good games in certain regions is simply hard to come by.
    The place may be in their regular rotation and they don’t want the game whacked.

    Or maybe they have a bad history of sharing information, period.

    I’ll be the first to tell you that I will not tell a skilled AP* where a good count game is that I discovered. But on the other hand I have never stooped low enough to expect free information out of a stranger off of here. The only secret games I discovered are in Southern Cali and the Midwest. What made these secret games? Because I was able to play without cover for a long time, I made decent money for, and most importantly I found out how to work their comp system. These were not secret games because the HE was .19, or because they didn’t back people off for counting.

    On another note, when I got counter measured/backed off I told every AP I knew that would be willing to travel to the region to play out of spite for the casino.
    In another scenario, I was backed off of one of my home casinos and told a few guys (team play guys) that I trusted with knowing where I regularly rotate that this particular store offered a great deep cut BJ game, w/ great rules and all of the other information they needed to know and I just sat back because I knew the Manager would attack the shit out of this store. Just under two weeks later I had the pleasure of hearing that these guys extracted this store of BIG money. Now the risk with telling these guys about this particular game was obviously them rotating to the store nearby but I was willing to risk that considering the hatred I had towards this particular store after getting backed off as a life time loser.

    will you answer my question realestate:

    Why would one give up their “secret game”? If you found a particular establishment that you were able to buy/sell from and make good money using say Ebay (for simplicity purposes) with aspirations of building a roll big enough that you can open your own store, would you tell other Ebayers “Hey over at Bob&Pauls store they are selling a limited amount of $900 vacuums for $100 and they go for an average of $550 on eBay?” or would you take advantage of it while it lasted? What if you tell an ebayer about Bob&Pauls that has a big enough cap to buy every vacuum in the store and then guess what – yup, no more easy money for you.

    And for the record, if you were getting paid say 10-25 a month to ‘report’ casino conditions, rules, etc to the CBJNers and you had a game in your backyard that was 5.5/6 would you report accurately? How about if LS was a new thing in your region, or a juicy double deck game with S17, LS, RS3x, DOA w/ a deep cut in your backyard, would you share that information with everyone?
    There is no glory in practice, but without practice there is no glory . -Unknown

  8. #8

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    Quote Originally Posted by Orangechip2 View Post
    will you answer my question realestate:

    Why would one give up their “secret game”? If you found a particular establishment that you were able to buy/sell from and make good money using say Ebay (for simplicity purposes) with aspirations of building a roll big enough that you can open your own store, would you tell other Ebayers “Hey over at Bob&Pauls store they are selling a limited amount of $900 vacuums for $100 and they go for an average of $550 on eBay?” or would you take advantage of it while it lasted? What if you tell an ebayer about Bob&Pauls that has a big enough cap to buy every vacuum in the store and then guess what – yup, no more easy money for you.

    And for the record, if you were getting paid say 10-25 a month to ‘report’ casino conditions, rules, etc to the CBJNers and you had a game in your backyard that was 5.5/6 would you report accurately? How about if LS was a new thing in your region, or a juicy double deck game with S17, LS, RS3x, DOA w/ a deep cut in your backyard, would you share that information with everyone?
    i would not tell that to another ebayer. again i assumed that CBJN had all casinos with accurate info so i was confused as to why people keep things a 'secret' when you can just subscribe to CBJN. you implied that sometimes the information might not be accurate or even be flat out deceptive. i understand now
    Last edited by realestate; 08-09-2015 at 06:47 PM.

  9. #9

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    While CBJN is a good indication of the conditions in most casinos, the only true measure is what you (or a teammate) learn scouting. I know of a casino in CBJN that is said to have 54 6 deck blackjack tables and I know they have 92 because I counted them. It may be because CBJN has not been updated on that casino recently or someone just reported it wrong but it points out the danger in assuming CBJN is accurate. Trust but verify works in most cases.
    Luck is nothing more than probability taken personally!

  10. #10

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    Quote Originally Posted by realestate View Post
    how come people try to keep the casinos with good rules a 'secret'? i can understand if its a noncounting game. but if everything is on CBJN, how come pros dont kill those casinos? I'm under the assumption that CBJN has all casinos and conditions.
    Out in the sticks, the CBJN report doesn't get updated every month. It's probably close enough to accurate if it's within 6 months.

    The casino countermeasures against slash & burn play are either back-off anyone spreading (and quickly), or to close the game. In order to keep the game open (and milkable), a number of people choose not to share.
    May the cards fall in your favor.

  11. #11

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    Not everything is on CBJN (nor VPFree, regarding video poker). It's not on there because, well, people aren't going to give away good plays without just compensation. I'm not going to tell the world of good plays I come across. There are a few APs whom I trust and like enough to share info with (regarding BJ CC conditions)....and they do the same with me. Sometimes we go in on it together, other times we don't. Some plays, however, are SO STRONG, I'm not telling a soul in the world, besides the few guys I play with (teammates)...but in that case, I would be in on the action.

    As APs, we all have the same goals, but unfortunately, we are competing against each other.
    "Everyone wants to be rich, but nobody wants to work for it." -Ryan Howard [The Office]

  12. #12

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    Quote Originally Posted by RollingStoned View Post
    we are competing against each other.
    idk if competing is the right word. There is enough $ for all of us.
    There is no glory in practice, but without practice there is no glory . -Unknown

  13. #13
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    You said: "I know of a casino in CBJN that is said to have 54 6 deck blackjack tables and I know they have 92 because I counted them"

    In North America there are only a tiny handful of casinos that have over 50 BJ tables.
    I cannot find ANY casino listed in C.B.J.N. with ANY high number of 6 deckers.
    You are claiming 92 tables. I know that WinStar is not listed, but who counts that giant dump?

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