Lots of talks on the various underground forums that discuss marketing offers and it is a fact that casinos have reduced offers. Probably tied to a reduction in theo on full pay games as well as an improving economy. All of the major casino companies have reduced player reinvestment budgets. Your own offers are also dependent on how you structure your play and comp redemptions. . That free buffet you just stop by to eat could easily cost you hundreds of dollars in reduced future mail. There is a definite science to maximizing your offers and a bigger science to keeping them high for as long as possible. Usually though you if the casino forces you to trigger trips (Mousetrap Marketing) to redeem and you can't give substantial play each time your offers will dry up. Best advice when your offers drop way down, quit redeeming and wait for them to stop completely then do a big play. Only redeem smallish offers when you're gonna play rated and only play rated when you're gonna give substantial action.