Hello, I'm new to this forum and look forward to getting to know you and gaining plenty of valuable knowledge about blackjack. My first question is: When we talk about the house edge being there no matter what you do, does this count for all hands played at real casinos, at home, online, etc.? In other words, does it mean all hands played period. The main reason I ponder this is because at home, if I play as if against a dealer, varying between 1-5 other plays, different seat at table, playing as if some players use BS and some play like beginners, etc., I have a win/loss ratio of 51.1% (me) to 48.9% (dealer) over 4,000 hands played mainly using flat-bets. Out of about 150 sessions, I've been able to come out ahead in units 149 times (99.3%). However...at real casino, it's not as impressive and have lost several times when only seeking a small gain. Why is that?? I've wondered if it's because I play differently when money is on the line, changing tables, etc. I hope this isn't to rambling! But, I'd really appreciate someone explaining how and why I win much more consistently at home vs. real casino, and how house edge is calculated across a broad range of environments. Thanks!!