...from using a gaffed shuffle machine to rip off its customers?

I have never seen this happen to the best of my knowledge. But a few times this thought occurred to me while I was playing an especially poor shoe. When everything seems to be going along as if scripted, the thought may force its way into your consciousness. Every time you hit a double down 11, you get an ace, deuce, three, or four; every time you hit a stiff, you bust; every time you have 20, the dealer hits 21; and so forth.

Consider this. We already know that a shoe can be stacked in such a way that the house or player will win every hand, if that is the desire of the cheater, so long as the player plays BS. If the player deviates from BS, he may (or may not) win that hand, but just as soon as he returns to BS, he will lose each hand thereafter. This has been documented in The Book.

We also know that machines can be built that can read the cards and actually count cards-- yes, Mindplay.

We all know that conscienceless individuals, mobsters, are sometimes associated with running gaming operations.

So, what is to prevent a company from manufacturing a shuffle machine that can not only read the cards, but can stack them in "cooler order" on demand so that the player loses every hand, or more difficult to detect, the majority of hands, where BS is used by the players. Such a cooler is impervious to the cutting of the cards, the burning of cards, the changing number of players, and to player mistakes. The technology exists. It can be done.

What keeps the casinos from employing such a device? Probably the biggest reason is the risk of losing its license to operate a place of gambling. It would require some people to know about the cheating and we all know how hard it is to keep a "secret" secret when more than one person knows it. But, OTOH, that did not stop casinos from other kinds of cheating in the past, and other types of thievery, such as the practice of "skimming." And if certain gaming and government officials have been bribed, the risk of being caught is diminished considerably.

So that's my case. It is a sobering thought, In summary:

Means: The technology exists and officials can be bribed
Motive: Money
Opportunity: Yes
Crime: ???

So what do you think? Tear it up. It's only a straw man.