You would be amazed what gullible people will believe. They read an investigation from some guy with credentials and they buy the BS that was put out to meet the agenda of the one paying the expert. Gullible people don't even think about or do their own experiments when they can easily do so. An intelligent person that is not really smart like an IQ of 120 to 130 are the easiest people to brainwash. They easily absorb whatever you throw at them but don't question it like smarter people. People with less intelligence can't understand it or absorb it so the aren't easily brainwashed. This IQ range is the mode for IQ so most people are prime for this. That is the type Norm has to deal with. They are average to slightly above average intelligence. They were easily brainwashed but figured out the normal sources of info were lying to them. Then the alternate media just as easily brainwashed them and they may never see through that and will believe them and repeat everything they absorb without question.