A few words of advice that helped me the most...

"Master the game before you attempt to master the toss".

"The one thing. The single thing. Stick with a toss. Too many times than I can count, someone starts out with some toss, be it OH, UH, 3 finger, 1 finger, whatever. 2 months later, when they don't have an SRR of 28, they decide to change to the toss-flavor of the week. Wow! This is great! Results are fantastic. 3 months later the honeymoon is over. They change their toss again. And again. Before they know it a year has passed, and they're frustrated that they aren't making headway.

Find a toss you're comfortable with and stick with it for 6 months to a year. You WILL see better results. Perfect is as much as possible. Once you can throw one style really well, I mean REALLY well, you will be able to try other tosses. I have 3 go-to tosses after all these years. One for SL, one for SR and one for straight out. But because I really have mastered those tosses, I could probably pick up just about any toss that someone uses in a few days".

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