I tip for political reasons in the joints I hang out in. The more personable dealers get more, and the jerks, jerkesses, get less. Deck pen is a consideration - I consider it as a normal business expense with neglible impact go EV. The scenario you described, I would have been tempted to ask to see the toke pile , take it back saying they didn't deserve it. . Clearly, you can't do that, but you can make it clear to other dealers that you no longer tip to dealers who are rude - after all - after all us said and fine - it is still an entertainment business - and you don't tip dealers who piss you off.

Now, for that last comment of yours - that was not wise - he may well have known what you were up to, but there was no need to reinforce his opinion. What you could have said, still leaving room for doubt - my buddies always tell me that they are more generous tippers when they play out more of the deck (shoe)

One last thought - there are many counters who simply don't tip as it impacts EV - that small dollar tipping is not appreciated by dealers, so why tip. There is certainly merit to the argument - there is also merit to prudent toking to increase longevity etc.
at an average bet of 115 at 100 hph averaging 1% after toking (in a store you want to stick around in) you will average 4.5 bj's per hour. Throw the dealer a .50 piece and put $1.00 in the betting circle. Small, but constant - and appreciated.