When I am sitting at the tables, I get so tired of hearing players grunt and moan when someone isn't playing the "correct" way. They think there is some mystic, voo-doo magic when it comes to the cards "running hot". They become extremely upset when someone makes an incorrect (lower probability) play. They think this person is "messing up the table". As if this person never sat down, everyone would be better off.

If you know anything about mathematics and probability, then you know these people are pontificating dults, who clearly do not understand slightly more than basic probability.

So, me sitting out a hand, surrendering a hand, standing with a hard 16 against a dealer 10, or hitting a 16 against a dealer 5 will affect the expected outcome of the rest of the players at the table? Do I "change" the cards for everyone else? Does my hand still have the same expected final value, or will it affect the probability of me making a hand? I am curious to hear the answers from other avid blackjack players.

Thanks for your time in reading, and if you so choose, responding to this question.