Norm. Ok. That makes perfect sense. Plus the cheering or booing fans drive that emotion. So I have a 10 and 15 rule primarily developed for radar reasons. If I get up 10x the table limit (without a large bet) I consider this be a good run or found money. Oftentimes, I will take my profit and go to the next stop on my paper route. If I get down 15x the table limit, a 10x profit for that session probably will not occur without drawing some Heat. Getting back to even is my goal at this point. This is usually when the dealer seems to be in the zone and as a human with motions, I'm starting to feel perplexed and whizzed off. For instance, yesterday I got down 10 to 3, meaning 10 tens and Aces had been played and 3 two-7s. This is not an extreme example but my thought was "o crap" here it comes. And you feel the need to cover (much like a boxer and just wait for the bell) or in my case wait for the shuffle. I'm hoping there is only 3 more rounds played or (punches thrown) and thrilled to get out of it 2-2 if 4 rounds played. I'm thinking a text message (that must be answered) or a restroom break might serve as a timeout like in basketball might help slow one of these negative runs or get a shuffle. But like in basketball there would have to be a limit per session. Probably 2 at the max. Perhaps take a t.o when the deck has hit a negative point? or when the dealer has won X amount of hands straight?