I'm from Europe and I'm new in this forum. First of all sorry about any language mistakes.

This are the game rules I play:

6D - S17 - DOA - DAS - SPL3 - ENHC - Estimated adv -0.55%

I play in two casino, the main, where I play most of the time ( it's very close to me, only 20 min by car) the PEN is about 70-75% and the second, where some time i make a 2-3 days trip, the PEN is 80-85%.

If you play alone against the dealer you mandatory MUST play 2 spots.

At every spot till 3 players can play (obviously only the one sit down can take decision how to play, the any others two only make a bet).

This is my play strategy:

- HiLo
- BR 12000
- Spread 1-12/16
- Unit Bet 10
- I play only when max 4 spots are open ( my spot included)
- Enter the game at top of shoe and Wonging Out TC <= -2

- Betting Ramp:
TC < 1 10
1<= TC < 2 20
2<= TC < 3 20/20
3<= TC < 4 40/40
4<= TC < 5 60/60
5<= TC 80/80

- Often I play the second hand behind another player ( only if He play correct strategy) to avoid to open another spot
- Sometimes Backcounting at the 20 min table, betting like a 10 min table (behind another player using correct stategy) WONGING IN at TC>= 2 but WONGING OUT at TC<1

- Index:
8 vs 6 D TC >=3
9 vs 2 D TC >=1
9 vs 7 D TC >=4
11 vs 10 D TC >=3
12 vs 2 S TC >=3
12 vs 3 S TC >=2
12 vs 4 H TC <=-1
13 vs 2 H TC <=-2
15 vs 10 S TC >=4
16 vs 9 S TC >=4
16 vs 10 S TC >=0
Insurance TC >=3


9 vs 3
10 vs 9
A2 vs 5-6
A3 vs 5
A4/A5 vs 4
A6/A7 vs 3

2,2/3,3/6,6/9,9 vs 2-3
4,4 vs 5-6

I've got some questions:

1) What's do you think about the game I play?
2) What's do you think about my play strategy?
3) To calculate EV and risk when I play my max bet with 2 hands of 80 I have to consider my bet spread 1-16 or 1-12 since, with the same risk, it's like to play one hand of 120 ( really less if I play 75% on two hands but I round)?
4) How said before if I play heads up I must play two spots. What's better, play alone with this rule or play at a crowed table? ( I prefer play with 2 or 3 others players, but since there are only 1 or 2 tables open it's difficult to find the best situation)
5)The casinos offer the side bet called Top Winner. In one casino If you get a BJ they pay 18:1, in the other casino if you get a BJ, only if the same color (red or black), they pay 35:1.
Is a profitable side bet If counting aces?
