I have a software simulator for playing blackjack that allows me to test not only basic strategy, but card counting strategies as well, playing tens of millions of hands in a few hours, and allows me to play multiple hands. It also allows for interactive simulation (which I put in to debug it, originally). It allows however many decks you want, and the shoe to be reshuffled when down tow a user-specified percentage. The output is of the sort like:

Here we have BasicStrategyFourOrMoreDecks() with the following, Vegas parameters:

twohands = False #you can play one hand or two at the table
decks = 6
dealsbettoplay = 10000000 # if noninteractive, how many deals that are bet upon to play till stopping - under some counting strategies, bet size can be 0 thus hand wont count towards stopping
reshuffle_percent_left = .6 #60% should be the minimum and 66% is more the average in Vegas.
dealerstandson = 17 #dealer stands on soft
youmaydoubleaftersplit = True #most casinos throughout the world do not allow a double after a split, but Vegas does

Wins, player = 5080405.000000 dealer = 5014934.000000 edge = 0.006485 hands played = 10000000 hands bet = 10000000 deals bet = 10000000 deals = 10000000
WinPcnt = 0.483131 Avg.Amt = 1.183331 LosePcnt = 0.516869 Avg.Amt = -1.091760
Expectation = 0.007407

As you can see, from above, my numbers on these simulations are a tad too optimistic -- which makes a world of difference. I need the software for an academic paper I am writing on multiple-simultaneous wagering (where there is a positive expectation) but I need to discern where, in the rules of blackjack, this tiny advantage is creeping in.

Would anyone be interested in this software (it's the python source code, version >= 3.2 which is on most linux machines and freely installable on most other machines). I dont know where the small advantage is creeping in on. The software allows on to program in and run simulations on various counting strategies, etc. Right now I have basi strategy in it and Rever Plus Minus, but it is quite simple to put in other strategies, insurance decisions, etc.

If interested, please email me off-list rvince99 at hotmail dot com. I'm hoping someone can run this in simulatoin mode and see where the rules are messed up and causing this slight advantage. Thanks. Ralph