EoR?s table for Splitting 8-8 vs T, ndas, nrsp and 6 dks.

A = -1.19311
2 = -1.18226
3 = -1.11542
4 = 1.58025
5 = 2.18996
6 = -1.51476
7 = -2.01233
8 = -0.217272
9 = 1.01759
T = 0.611836

m = 4.25402

ss = 20.282566

1) The entries (differences between splitting and hitting until 17) are normalized to one deck values. To find the correct ones for 6 dks we have to divide by:

311/ (52 ? n), as per Griffin?s TOB in order to adjust the sum of the effects after the removal.

2) m is full deck favorability adjusted for 6dks and ss = sum of squares

To calculate the EV of splitting 8s vs T (nrsp), a pocket calculator will be enough.


Removing two 8s and a T equals:

(-.217272 * 2) + .611836 = 0.177293

Adjusting for 6 dks:

.177293/ (311/49) = 0.027933624

Therefore total favorability equals:

4.25402 + 0.027933624 = 4.28195

Now we look at Cac?s tables and learn there that:

Hitting 8, 8 vs T = -.53536

Ending the math simple with:

-.53536 + .0428195 = -.49254

which is with 5 significant digits, Cac?s EV?s figure for splitting 8s vs T without resplitts, assuming composition-dependence of course. The above EoR?s table assumes this, naturally.

Enjoy monster!
