
Just returned from my Mississippi tour and will reconstruct a typical situation in a Biloxi Casino. First of all, I play HiLo with a 1-12 spread. The DD game was s17 Da2 Das sp3 spA3 ns Hs with P60 (-.114). The 6d game had similar terms with a rating of -.329 but had P75.

The DD tables seemed to attract the most action despite the grave shift. I was generally playing with 2 or 3 players but left when a fourth spot was played and moved over to 6d for a quick session and then out the door as the casino filled up. One other condition which irritated me throughout Mississippi was when dealer changes were made, the deck was redealt ending many promising positive hands. It felt almost like pref. shuffling; although the new dealers didn't seem aware of what they were wrecking.

When I made my switch to 6d there was only one other player and play moved along quite swiftly although I still did no better than break even.

So, again, the question is when is it mathamatically sound to move to 6d from a badly cut and over crowded DD?