Okay, as promised, here is the special we are offering in conjunction with our next hosted chat with Skip Hughes. DD members, for a limited time, can subscribe to VPinsider.com for $50 ($15 off regular price) or both the VPinsider.com and VPplayer.com sites for $75 ($20 off regular price). What's VPinsider.com, you ask?

VPinsider.com is the current version of Skip Hughes' VPhomepage.com, long a must-have subscription for video poker players. The best way to describe it is "Trackjack for video poker." Searchable the same way TJ is, you can find playable VP by region, denomination, game, and more. The site also has strategy charts for a lot of the games, and casino & VP news. It has hundreds and hundreds of subscribers, as well as regular reporters, so the game inventory is always kept fresh.

VPplayer.com is the site of a monthly online magazine (PDF format) of all the VP (and some other gaming) news you can handle, and as a subscriber, you also get access to all of the VPplayer back issues, going back years! This month's issue covers:

Golden Nugget's DW progressive
Video Poker Tourney
Bill Burton on Hold'em (Pot Odds)
Low Roller Plays
Top Midwest Casinos
AC up to date
VP News

Video poker is really booming right now, both as an "introduction" to advantage play in a casino and for those who need a break from the constant scrutiny of card-counting. There are many more good VP plays than blackjack games in the US right now, and just about everyone I know who is a player incorporates VP into their regular play.

To take advantage of this offer, use the links below and be prepared to sign-in with your DD username and password, since you'll use the same info to login in to the VP sites.

For access to VPinsider.com alone ($50):

For access to VPinsider.com and VPplayer.com ($75):

Please let me know if you have any questions at all, but I guarantee you'll be happy with this purchase if you have any interest in video poker at all.
