First lesson:

Casinos in Las Vegas are not suspecting foreign players to be counters.

I?m learning through my own experience, that playing in the States as a counter, is a short of squizo-situation between hell and heaven. If you?re a white American male, frankly, you?d use as much cover/acts as possible. I wish you luck. But on the opposite, if you do not ?understand/speak? English (the less, the better), you have found your Shangri-La, here. I?m not saying, a foreigner can expect to get rich here (too much game-protection, anyway). Essentially, I?m not speaking about $$ values. It?s just this inner feeling of playing without hassles/heat/dirty looks, so common in Europe, where no nationality, whatsoever, will prevent you to be half-shoed if they have arrived at the conclusion that you?re not exactly another ?tourist?.

Viva Las Vegas and its macho-men/foreigners chauvinism!

A paradise for women and non USA players.

Best regards
