Last week when I was at the local mini-casino, I wound up winning a grand at the $25-$100 DD table off of $300. During that session I colored up my chips, amounting to around $1100, and decided to take a break. Immediately, the PB gets a phone call wanting to know how much I colored up for.

I decide to play again twenty minutes later and win a couple hundred more. At this time I decide I'm finished for the evening and head for the cage. Immediately, the cashier gets a phone call and she answers "13", presumably for the $1300 I'm cashing out, and I walk out the door.

Is this standard procedure from surveillance? I've played there seven previous times and have won on each occasion $50-$250 before walking out. Counting is oblivious to these people, but I still want to remain in good standing so I can win some more in this place.

I'm going to take a few weeks off from this casino, but I am curious to know if phone calls from "above" are normal when dealing with the amount of chips described above?