> Appreciate all of your efforts on this
> matter. The KO book only lists 13 of the C22
> with the full matrix. If it isn't too much
> trouble, could you furnish me with your C22
> for 6 & 8 deck.

My book lists 18 plays for the KO-preferred. If I recall correctly you need to add TTv5, TTv6, A8v6, A8v5.
The C22 used for this sim were calculated using SBA. They apply only for the rules used in the sim.

IRC = -24

 Ins =  -1 
16vT = -9
15vT = 0
16v9 = 5
12v6 = -23
12v5 = -24
12v4 = -9
12v3 = -4
12v2 = -1
13v3 = -24
13v2 = -14
11vA = -6
10vA = -1
10vT = -1
9v7 = 0
9v2 = -6
8v6 = -4
8v5 = 0
A8v6 = -7
A8v5 = -5
TTv6 = 2
TTv5 = 2

If your IRC is -20 then add 4 to every index.

> Using an IRC of -24 for 6 decks, I believe
> you stated the optimal wong in point would
> be -2 what would it be for 8 decks. Again
> thanks for all of the analysis.

No, I said that the optimal wonging point is -6. I haven't done the analysis for 8D so I can't tell what the optimal point is. Besides, it's rule-dependent.
