Page 257:

?There?s a slight advantage for the rider, when he plays with the rule where the dealer takes original bets only. On occasion, opportunities arise to double down with 11 against a ten after the caller has made a sacricifice split (like when 7,7 is split against a ten and the caller catches a 4 on one of the 7s). With the European rule, he?d never double down, but now he does. This amounts to an additional advantage of .0045%, too small to show up in Stanford?s simulations, but present nevertheless.?

I am unterstanding these sentences that with European no hole card (ENHC) you don?t double down with 11 against a ten but as rider you double down with 11 against a ten after splitting. This makes no sence for me. With the ENHC you don?t double down with 11 against a ten because you?ll lose your initial bet and your doubling down bet. The situation is in my opinion the same when I?ve 11 with my first two cards or when I?ve 11 after splitting.
