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Thread: anon: 911

  1. #1

    anon: 911

    i think this is the proper forum to express our condolences for all those who lost friends and loved ones last year

    it is a time to appreciate how good life really is

    and to offer a prayer that this year will be a peaceful one for all

    so from all of my family to all of you, may you find peace and happiness

  2. #2
    Don Schlesinger

    Don Schlesinger: Thank you

    Thank you for your thoughtful message. I heartily concur.

    Today may not be a day to "conduct business as usual," but life must go on, and we each deal with the events of last year as best we can.

    Personally, I have found that continuing to work on projects that interest me and trying to stay busy have been a great consolation.

    To any reading these lines who lost a friend or loved one last 9/11, sincere condolences from all of here at Don's Domain.


  3. #3
    Robert V. Lux

    Robert V. Lux: Re: 911

    Since the terror attacks last year, the world will never be what it once was. Albeit, the world has never been a safe place, the overwhelming majority now fear flying, they fear big public places, such as airports and subways.

    Nobody remains unaffected by the horrible and bestial terrors.

    Hope and faith are two important factors, in order to return to a normal life. Though, one must always face the risks. Unfortunately, I believe the 11/9 terror is only the beginning of a serie of terrors. According to national newspapers, New York and Las Vegas are the areas, which are most likely to fall victims for future terrors.

    Together, we must live on, and help each other go through this catastrophe. Together, we must face future risks, and take action, in order to prevent similar happenings taking place.

    I too, wish for a peaceful world. I do, especially, on this memorial day, wish that everyone who lost someone on 9/11, will be able to go on with thier lives.

    All respect, Robert V. Lux


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