> blackjackincolor.com/blackjackeffects2.htm

> Maybe it won't!

> Don

If you mean, data generated by 3-decades-old Intel 286 CPU are a little old,
I agree. and maybe it's equally true to theories based on those data.

anyway, I show you my idea.


D:total deck number
t/(52D):depth of shoe
r:RC before round
r+a:RC after the round
n:number of cards used at the round

assumption 1: "Brownian Bridge" can be used as model for the movement of RC.
assumption 2: EV of the game will be the function of expected value of a/n and variance of a/n.
assumption 3: optimal playing indices will be function of expected value of a/n and variance of a/n.
assumption 4: E(a/n) will be equivalent to TC/52
assumption 5: Var(a/n) will be the function of r, n, t, and 52D.

investigation of these functions will include the answer to floating advantage.