I was finally backed off in California. It was at a different casino than the one I discussed in my prior post. I was up about 400 units spreading my bets 1-20 in a deeply dealt DD game over about 4 days of play and I was pulling a lot of black out of the racks. The back off was done in an insulting way with a pit boss and two security guards and wrongfully implied that I was cheating. (My back offs in Nevada have been more like one pit person saying: "You can play anything else but no more blackjack.") I am an attorney licensed in the State of California and I am considering legal action (or at least negotiation) against the casino. However, I have always had concerns that any successful legal action against casinos will result in a deterioration of games like what happened in Atlantic City after the Uston v. Resorts International case. Any thoughts on this?