For those of you in the Southern region of these great States, you may have, at one point or another, shopped at the Gambler's Warehouse in MS. It was probably the biggest gambling-centered bookstore in that region, and it carried RGE products. A few years ago, it's owner, a young man named Derek Wilson, became ill and had to stop working while he underwent treatment. Since he put everything into storage at that time, some of you newer guys may not know Derek, but I was told last week by a very good friend of his that he passed away recently.

I thought that some of you may remember Derek and decided to pass this news along; I had some contact with him prior to his illness, and he was always funny and charming. So, Derek's gone to that single-deck-stand-on-17-dealt-to-the-very-last-card blackjack game in the sky, and he will be missed.
