Just curious.. Been playing off & on for 20 years (RPC) but never really got into the math of RoR, EV, and others that I could get with CVCX (though I do own BJA). Always counted, covered, played indicies from +6 to -6, spread 1-10, tried to pick favorable games, occasionally took a short term beating (but only once did I approach losing my trip bank of 200 units, though a big rally brought me back to even for that trip) and thought thats all there was to it. Though I rarely made more than 3-4 trips per year for bj I may be moving to KC very soon and have casinos next door. I currently own CV. My question-would it add significantly to my game to have CVCX to calculate these or is it just more fun to know the EV, RoR, and other abbreviations for stats I may not understand? Also, since 6 deck is the easiest to play now, does Wonging add enough to make it worth the down time?