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Thread: Randi Morgan: Math question

  1. #1
    Randi Morgan

    Randi Morgan: Math question

    As it is everywhere stated, progressions do not have any effect on the house edge. But do progressions work, if the target is, to eliminate the standard deviation?


  2. #2
    Norm Wattenberger

    Norm Wattenberger: You're missing something here

    ALL progressions increase SD. For that matter, why would a progression player want to eliminate SD? If he did, he would have a 100% chance of losing. The only chance a negative expectation player has of winning is if there is variance.

  3. #3
    Randy Norma

    Randy Norma: Re: You're missing something here

    > ALL progressions increase SD. For that
    > matter, why would a progression player want
    > to eliminate SD? If he did, he would have a
    > 100% chance of losing. The only chance a
    > negative expectation player has of winning
    > is if there is variance.

    I thought of a roulette wheel without the zero, or a coin tosssing game.(no house edge, 50/50 chance of winning. The SD is after 1,000,000
    trials: SQRT of 1,000,000= 1,000= 1 SD, 2 SD=2,000
    3 SD=3,000. Parlaying the bet 14 times(always play the colour, which just appeared, and let everything on it) and you are at about 8,000 units. Much more than 3 SDs.
    And this winning in a row will happen within 1,000,000 trials several times.


  4. #4
    Norm Wattenberger

    Norm Wattenberger: Please, no Martingale crap here. *NM*


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