With the method I have described, you are not multiplying to get a TC, you are multiplying to get a RC value at which you make your strategy deviation. You compare this number to your running count to see if you should deviate from basic strategy.

TC = RC/#remaing decks

multiply each side by #remaing decks, to get

TC x #remaing decks = RC

Notice that if you multiply your INDEX by #remaing decks you will get a RC value at which you would deviate from basic strategy. You compare this number to your actual RC.

Example: RC is 26 in 8 deck game. Dealer has Ace up. Insurance index is 3. 6.5 decks left.

6.5 x 3 = 19.5

Since your running count is greater than 19.5 you take insurance. 26 > 19.5 take insurance.

So, if you wish to multiply, rather than divide then do the following: multiply your INDEX for the play you are considering by the #remaining decks. This gives you a RC at which you deviate from basic strategy. Compare this number to your RC and play accordingly.
