I just got back from a 10 day motorcycle trip from Seattle to Sturgis, SD. I didn't find any Blackjack in Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, Alberta, or British Columbia, but the Blackjack in Deadwood, SD was great. Deadwood was only a 15 min ride from our camp site in Sturgis, so I spent a little time there.

The best rules I found were at the 4 Aces, it was 6D, S17, DA2, DAS, hand shuffled, $2 minimum. These probably aren?t that great of rules for professional Vegas counters, but they were great for me as a beginner with a limited bank. They were usually cutting about a deck off, it seemed a lot less than what they do here in Everett. There also seemed to be no heat at all. In most cases there was no pit, just the dealer and the camera.

I even tried counting down a couple shoes, and one of them got to +4 KO before the end, so I raised my bets from $2 to $4. I'm just beginning to count, so it was fun for me to know that I had a 1% advantage at that point. I lost the few hands where I was betting more, but in the end, I still came out ahead $46. That doesn?t sound like much, but it's 23 $2 units, so I was happy.

I will complain about the comps though. I couldn't get them to comp me a dinner the first night, so I joined their Cashback Club. Then after a few more hours of play the next day, they said I still was a long ways from a comp. It's much easier to get comps here in Everett, WA.

Anyone else have any luck in Deadwood? It looked to me like a good, cheap place to vacation.