... but thanks for being patient.

First, props to Parker and this forum. I have been reading this board, and the competitor, for quite some time and the quality here is far far superior.

OK, I'm new. Have been flat-betting $5 6D BS for some time now. Have it down cold. Now learning to count. Can count six decks at home with unwavering accuracy (KO) but am still slow at the table. Not worried -I know it will come.

The Mayor tells me I am slowly going broke playing BS, he is right, but to date have not run in to any huge deviations. Just happily moving forward still almost even spending a little money at the casino hopefully perfecting a skill that will bring reward.

But I am becoming dazed and confused.

Based on your collective experience, in ACTUAL play, is it possible to maintain a win rate of 1 large bet an hour?, 2 bets? 3? assuming you play good BS, use a good count system, and employ it well.

I read the Mayor's web site on tipping and determined he is winning at the rate of $27 per hour ($4 tips an hour equals 15% of his win rate). He seems quite informed on all things BJ, but must still only be playing reds and speading 1 to 4!?

The Mayor seems to think we are all on one single life long playing session and are doomed to the computers ROR.

Does back counting and Wonging in, leaving a shoe after a winning session, etc, actually give an advantage over the endless runs of computer generated expectation?

I read other posts and it begins to sound almost futile to expect any real decent win rate from BJ at all.

Parker, I read your dissing -in the nicest way -a guy on the competitors board who was expounding about how it is impossible to win any real money at BJ. Your veiled response to him gave me hope.

No doubt you are all to proud to disclose your actual numbers, so would I be, but a realistic, no-kidding answer would be appreaciated.

Yes, I understand you need good playing conditions. Yes, it will be dependent on my skill level. That is all assumed.

But I assume the professionals in this group find good conditions, and have a high level of skill.

So what is it? Really.

Should I take up Texas no-limit holdem!!

In advance, thanks for all the great input.