I will name this method of play the...

"Predator System"

This approach should be used in the following game situation, a dd game with surrender, s-17, good "attributes", heads up, low table min., say $5.00, and the hole card remaining hidden if you bust before the dealer. The "Predator will also give good cover and confuse managment.

On the first round of the slipper you play 2 spots and play according to basic strategy.

After the first round if things are neutral or plus you remain at 2 spots and play according to hi-lo and indices.

When the count drops below neutral you move to one spot, this is when it gets interesting.

You now have min. bet, $5.00, you NEVER hit when you can bust because it is imperitive that you get to see that hole card! You also never surrender unless the dealer is showing a ten up and has to look to see if he has a BJ!

As soon as it goes positive you are back to two spots and playing the hi-lo advantage game with all that power afforded you. You should also be using an ace side count to really boost the H.P.!

This will eliminate the casino advantage from hiding the hole card when you bust first, which happens often while in heads up dd play, and ends the problem of having to play 2 spots all the time to have a better chance of not busting before the dealer draws, seeing the hole card, which means playing this way in negative counts, not good.

I wonder if I should approach Mr. scobee 1 to ghost write a book on this "Predator System" with sims, pictures, stories of actual play, etc.?

I also wonder if the "JaKal" method could be included in this book if royalties were paid to that author, (since that book is out of print)?