
I've had Norm Wattenberger's Casino Verite program for about a year and highly recommend both it and the support that Qfit offers. Norm is a fantastic guy and has been a tremendous help.

A couple of issues I need to reach out on. I attached CVBJ to 1994 basic Hi-lo and learned to count using those tag values and indexes. Norm's data bases which help you calculate betting ramps appear to be configured for a number of other stratgies but not Hi-lo. Does anyone know of a product that has a data set for Hi-lo?

Last, I still consider myself a relative babe in the woods. I read that an efficient player can manage about a 1% advantage. My understanding is this means that you would win about 10k for every 1 Million dollars bet. Using a betting ramp of $15-2 and under, $75 for three, $100 for 4, $150 for 5 and $250 for 6 over and Atlantic City Rules with surrender, it took me about 44k hands to bet 1 Mil. 44k hands is about 733 hrs of play at 60 hands per hour. An expected $10k/733 hrs is about $13.68 dollars per hour. Does anyone know if my betting ramp is just screwy or could recommend changes? Is my logic wrong or is 13 bucks an hour something like the expected earnings on a $15 table wiht a $500 max?