Quote Originally Posted by Winnie D View Post
Intermediate: Sorry I wasn't more clear. To answer your questions, I use hi-lo, and as far as the counting skill(s) go, when counting down with a physical deck, I have an average time of 21 seconds (I know accuracy is more important than speed but when I started learning I understood you wanted to be able to get to a certain speed, and I found using a physical deck the best way to do this.) and when I practice online I usually have between one to two mistakes when counting through six decks. I'm trying to get that to zero, of course. I don't have a problem remembering BS when playing; if I had to hazard a guess, I'd say I psych myself out more than anything. Not enough confidence and all that. I have had no problems so far keeping up the count when at a live table. I just find my mind going blank at times, and I'm sure its all psychological. I was just curious if anybody else had gone through similar issues when they were learning. Thanks for the reply.
If you're doing a physical deck in 21 seconds, you've got me crushed in that regard and are well ahead of the curve. I don't believe most guys on here can count a deck down that fast physically. My average speed is around 25-26 seconds, and I feel like I'm on top of the world at that pace.

You're going to do just fine with that kind of speed.

Quote Originally Posted by Winnie D View Post
Thanks for all the replies guys, and for not making me feel like an idiot with my first post! Your replies have been very useful.
Its what we are all here for. 2 or 3 months ago I was the new guy on the block, and now these guys have given me some of the best advice you could ever wish for, and its quickly molding me into a capable player. You will too if you practice hard enough and keep up the good work!