Intermediate: Sorry I wasn't more clear. To answer your questions, I use hi-lo, and as far as the counting skill(s) go, when counting down with a physical deck, I have an average time of 21 seconds (I know accuracy is more important than speed but when I started learning I understood you wanted to be able to get to a certain speed, and I found using a physical deck the best way to do this.) and when I practice online I usually have between one to two mistakes when counting through six decks. I'm trying to get that to zero, of course. I don't have a problem remembering BS when playing; if I had to hazard a guess, I'd say I psych myself out more than anything. Not enough confidence and all that. I have had no problems so far keeping up the count when at a live table. I just find my mind going blank at times, and I'm sure its all psychological. I was just curious if anybody else had gone through similar issues when they were learning. Thanks for the reply.