> Ive got alot of "advice" on this
> Question and would like your two cents.

> If, for example, I have no BR, but I do have
> $1,000 every two weeks to play with. I play
> the best LV games I can find, one, two, and
> six deck.
> Spreading 1-6 and maxing out at 2 hands of 6
> units.

Every two weeks you get another $1,000 that is devoted entirely to blackjack? You don't need it for anything else?

You can't use the spread you described uniformly for all different games. For example, at single deck, the spread you describe will get you thrown out in 10 minutes.

> What would be my smartest unit amount to
> grow my $$$.

What level of risk are you willing to accept for each of the $1,000 stipends?
