I've been learning and practicing KO prefered with Don's Ill18 for seven solid weeks. This past week I decided to venture out into the real world and atmosphere of a casino. I made two trips to the casino, on different evenings. My goal was to practice in their setting. I flat bet the whole time, by choice, working on my counting, and using basic strategy. I also wanted to work on developing an act.
The game was 8 decks,S17, DA2, NS, RS3, RSA2, 10.00-500.00
Observation 1: The level of play by the other players in the game was atrocious. In 12 total hours of play, I didn't see one other player use basic strategy. I saw a guy double a hard 13 to a ten with the table max bet. (He actually caught an 8!, which drew all the pc's over to our table). I actually becames self-consious, and felt like I was the only one playing my cards correctly. Is this in itself enought to make the pc's notice you?

Observation 2: One dealer and I had what I consider a pretty good chemistry between us. The dealers here check the hole card if they have a ten showing. I truely thought she was pulling for me a couple of different times. I had 16 twice, and both times she tried to moved quickly past me before I could hit. Both times I caught her and pulled a card, only to bust and then find out that she had a 5 and a 6 as her hole card. Is this an angle worth trying to harvest? Is it cheating? Is it worth breaking basic strategy?
Observation 3: Counting in a casino is a ton tougher that utilizing my KO software. There is a certain reassurance in counting at home on the pc and measuring your accuracy as opposed to counting in a casino and not knowing with certainty what the count is. I do know that I lost the count several times due to being distracted.

My plan now is to practice for speed and accuracy for the next few weeks before going back out and really employing the system.

Any helpful comments or suggestions welcome. Thanks for reading my post.