Quote Originally Posted by autonymity View Post
2. Yes, the player takes into accounts all cards on the table (besides the dealer's hole card, of course). I'm working on some sims of different player positions, but have yet to find any difference between positions at the table in a face up game.
Well, it will make a difference if you're at first base or, say, the fourth seat with others to your right. You get to play your hand with knowledge of those other players' hit cards. In essence, you're increasing penetration each time you play. This is common knowledge.

Quote Originally Posted by autonymity View Post
3. Do you mean the classic formulas for standard for s.e. of SD/sqrt(rounds)? In any case, yes I was curious about that myself. My runtime is not fantastic so I wanted to get some initial findings out of the way, but now I'm running some sims with 2 billion rounds to try to confirm the results.
Yes. And yes, that's a good idea. But two billion may not be enough.

Quote Originally Posted by autonymity View Post
4. To clarify, that is the result of one of the counters, not both combined. It made some sense to me that with another counter at the table (in particular one going 1-2 hands), that some EV would evaporate for both of them, due to the counters competing to eat the high cards at high counts. Perhaps I am wrong though. Do you have an idea of what another counter at the table should theoretically do to EV?
Another counter doesn't do anything to EV. It makes no difference if another player is counting or playing BS. You may be confusing with win per hour, which, of course, is diluted if you add an extra hand. If you start with, say, three hands but then go to four, because the counter adds another hand, then, yes, that will matter for the hourly win, but not the EV or the SCORE.
