I'm not that experienced at playing at the casinos. My wife and I are going to Vegas and we want to play blackjack and not loose our tails.

I've been playing this strategy chart. http://www.eblackjackonline.net/blackjack-strategy/

In addition I have been surrendering on 15 when the dealer has a 10 or A: 16 and dealer 9, 10, or A: 17 dealer A.

I'm looking for any advice other than just what the chart says. I've found the MGM has stay at soft 17, double after split, and surrender. Would you pick a different table? Looks as though the strip's min bet is 15.

If you have advice other what the chart states, a casino, different table rules, or if it is obvious I need to learn different strategy I should be using I would appreciate it.

I feel playing the chart burns me on some of the hands. Especially with an A-6 or A-7; however this may just be perception.
