Quote Originally Posted by mt4 View Post
You can see on the game creator's website that blackjack always pays 3:2.


In USA, player naturals are resolved immediately, just like dealer naturals. It would be too complex to change the existing rules, and would make this game unattractive to any player.

You can also check here:

"The main game has an RTP of 99.72%"
"If you receive a natural 21 (or blackjack,) your payout odds will be +150."
"If the dealer has a hand worth 16, it’s a push. The only exception is if the player has a blackjack (natural 21.)"
On the image of the virtual table, it states "DEALER 16: GAME ENDS, 21'S PAY 1:1, ALL OTHER WAGERS PUSH", so this adds an additional exception.

"21 totals" does not include blackjack; blackjack pays 3:2 is mentioned earlier in the rules, blackjack always pays immediately in USA; that Canadian author is mistaken.

On the other hand, perhaps the house edge is really 0.84%.

The rules are based on "standard Las Vegas blackjack". I have sent an inquiry to the game developer and will make a new post if I get a reply.
That would be wonderful. I'll eagerly await the developer's response.

Finally, in this video, you can see that they pay the natural immediately, in the first 30 seconds of the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RPL8EWsxBM
By the way, take another look at the video. I don't see the dealer paying 3:2, but rather 1:1.
