I wonder if you care to share. I know the pros here keep an even keel but I still feel this way after my 2nd year playing regular part time BJ (I average about 8 hours of BJ a week).

i win a few sessions in a row, feel like I can never lose, the casino is my ATM. I get cocky. If. I win a few sessions in a row, maybe including a good win (most of my win sessions range from $200-$800, an ocassional one approaches $2k) and I think of trading my car for a fancier one, that I can pay the lease or whatever.

i lose 2 sessions in a row and think I should quit or take a break, get depressed. I lose 4-5 sessions in a row and I walk in to play, lose the first hand and start thinking "here is loss number 5 coming" sure I am going to lose before the second round is dealt.

its a roller coaster ride!!!