What do you do..

What do you do when you get tired of the 100+ mile round trips to your home stores but you are still good to play at them? The obvious answer is pack up and move to Vegas Right ? For months I was AP crazy as I was trying to build my roll before the Fall because of a great opportunity to take advantage of (non casino related) and I have had great success doing so. I was laid off a few months ago and besides my supplemental income from my business AP was my only means of putting food on the table without touching my other investments, saving account, 401k, etc. I would legit camp it out in my car for days at a time when on the road, opposed to paying for a room or taking their offer on a free room because I simply did not know if or when I would get called back to work and was playing it day by day. For a little over 3 months I was banging out anywhere from 2-10 hours a day between 4-5 places each day, and I'd do it all over again the next day and the next day.

Now that I'm back to work and I have a steady paycheck coming in every other Tuesday I feel as if the AP supplemental doesn't support my prior lifestyle.. well at least not traveling far distances, but the money I would not shoe away. I had no problem paying for a room 3-4 months ago, but once I seen how much I saved in travel expenses monthly by not paying that money for a room made me think a lot different. I would understand if I felt this way after taking a huge hit to my roll, or if the job was paying a shit ton more than it originally was, but thats not the case at all. I'm actually working less hours weekly now, and have a bit further commute to work.

idk. My partner says I'm going through a change of events in my life, which has caused me to distance myself from the game. Meanwhile, I'm sitting here feeling as if I lost 90% of my roll and my next move to the casino would have to be someone else driving and consist of some very comfy seats in a car.. I think it may be that im just burnt out form so much driving.. iDK?

has anyone ever experienced anything similar to this? If so, how did you over come your stubbornness? Obviously if you got your roll crushed it'd make sense to take a break while rebuilding.. My case in hand is this: I put so much time, effort, and money into learning how to count, then the indices, and then all the other small things that were applicable to the games I regularly play. Now I'm just like ehh, screw BJ or any other AP plays that may arise, I'd rather sit home, skim the forum, play some poker online and drink a few beers while watching life pass me by - opposed to driving about 2 hours in a car..

sorry for an typos; I wanted to get post out before I zonked out for the night.