Quote Originally Posted by 21forme View Post
Absolutely. Read "The Professor, The Banker, and the Suicide King." Even the "top" poker players are degenerates, going through bust cycles and needing to borrow money for cohorts, and betting on anything and everything that comes along.
Most poker players are probably degen, but at least poker players can readily make bank promoting themselves when they get good enough. Variance free cash ftw in my opinion. Plus, they get some form of respect and social acceptance, whereas APers need to be hush hush about their activities. Poker players also, in my experience, are generally friendlier and more willing to help newbies than are APers, because they don't immediately associate new poker players with the competition. There's good and bad enough for both groups, IMO.

To answer the poll, I'd probably concentrate more on poker and less on APing, but something tells me that even if I devoted myself to poker I probably wouldn't be able to break past decent 20-40 NL tables (i.e. I'd never be good enough for nosebleeds anyway) and might just wind up concentrating on APing anyway.