2 visits. Got fucking raped. 1st visit went down $3000. Started out fine, was up around $400 but doubled down with a bet of $250 on an 11 vs. a 7 with a tc at +6 near the end of the deck Of course I ended up with a 4 or something. The shit head next to me had a 13 or 14 and didn't hit because he thought the next card would be a face because there were so many little cards that came up. The next guy doubles his 10 gets a 5. Dealer flips over his card and by some miracle it's not a 17. 7 and 2. Next card is a 10. Of course. Next 2 dealt cards would have busted the dealer. Instead I end up with a 14 instead of 20, bust, and the dealer gets 2 more 20's in a row while I bust on my max bets. -$1500 that day.

Day 2:
Immediate rape fest. I lose something like 9 in a row including like 2 doubles, and a split with a double with high counts. -$1200 in like 4 minutes. I move to another table. Started off choppy. 3rd base stays on a 4 card 16 vs. a 7. I have a 20 with a 4 bet on the table ($100 table) with a tc at +4 or +5. Dealer flips over card and it's a 9 to go with his 7. Sweet. Next card is a 5. Fuck!!! After that what was a kind of bad table became possessed by the devil. Another guy comes in. We all lose nearly every hand. Bust galore for the players, dealer can't get anything below a 20 no matter what. The guy who stayed vs a 7 loses all his money and leaves. Table still terrible. The new guy loses all his money and leaves. I play heads up for a shoe. Still terrible. 2 other guys come in. Still bad, but at least I'm getting a few decent starting hands. Tc is like +11 with 3 aces still left. I've lost 2 $600 bets in a row and have less than a min bet left. I buy in for another $2000. I act like I'm doing a negative progression and bet $1500. First card I get is a 5. Fuck. Next card I get is a 6. Dealer shows a 6. Fuck yeah. 1 face card between the 3 of us and the dealer. I pull out another thousand, so I can double. I ask face down. Other players can't hit. Dealers flips over and it's a 3 to go with his 6. UN Fucking believable. Next card is a 2. I pray for at least a push. Next card is an ace. We're all yelling for a face now. Next card is another ace. We're screaming for a face. I remember one of the guys had a $500 bet. Next card... 8 to complete his 21. UN Fucking real. Dealer flips over my 11 double down card. It's an ace. complete disbelief. -$6200 in about 25 minutes. I punch the table a few times, scream at the dealer, and leave. Unreal.