As flu season is upon us, and it’s Jonas Salk’s 100th birthday, and casinos aren’t the most sanitary spots on Earth, thought I’d make a few comments:

  1. Flu potency varies substantially by year. An estimated 3,000 to 49,000 flu-related deaths occur in the U.S. each year.
  2. Flu season can start as early as October and last as late as May. But, typically it peaks from December thought February.
  3. Hand-washing with simple soap and water is quite effective. Soap doesn’t kill viruses; but breaks down the oils that cause unpleasant stuff to stick to skin. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers (like Purell) do kill many nasty things. Personally, I’m not a fan of non-alcohol based sanitizers as some can cause bacteria to become more resistant over time.
  4. Keep your hands away from your face. All kinds of openings there.
  5. Flu vaccines have been available since August. Over 150 million doses will be manufactured this year – so there’s not likely to be a shortage.
  6. If you are 65, you should probably also get a pneumococcal vaccine.
  7. Not really relevant, but in your 60s, you should probably also get a shingles vaccine as shingles is incredibly unpleasant. But, don’t get the shingles and pneumonia vaccines at the same time as each weakens the other. From what I’ve read, a month apart is OK.
  8. You don’t need to go to a doctor to get vaccinated. Most pharmacies will do it. Some casinos, not wanting to lose customers, have even provided shots.
  9. Oh yeah, if you do have the flu, stay the hell out of casinos.