I am constantly amazed at the stupidity of casino management. Here are few recent observations:

A new owner recently moved into an existing casino. The $5 and $25 chips are nearly identical. A close scrutiny could probably discern a difference, but at first glance, the only difference is the tiny 5 and 25 in the center of the chip.

Instead of a betting circle, one casino provides the logo of the casino. The logo is red in color. Most of the casino's tables are $10, so the red chip bets virtually disappear.

A local casino recently changed their felts. The new felts have a very busy design that makes one woozy in very short time. I can only imagine the plight of the dealers, who have to stare at that mess all day.

Casinos encourage taking of insurance, but one casino forbids the dealers from offering "even money." They will pay even money if the player requests it, but they won't offer it. They obviously don't know that insurance and even money are the same thing.

I wonder how these people make it to work every day.