> Replies appreciated.

> On the other hand, notice that the probable reasons
> for getting rid of the machines all make the game
> WORSE for the player (and the counter).

But not worse than the CSM. Reasonably speaking, what could be worse than that? I'd take H17, NDAS or possibly even 6:5 SD over a CSM any day.

> 2. They have introduced "smart tables" that have made CSMs unnecessary.

I never quite understood this comparison originally. They brought in smart tables for what smart tables could do -not neccessarily as a reaction to or a replacement for CSMs, seems to me.

If CSMs are on the outs I think it is simply because because they are no longer profitable. Would be interesing to know the difference in cost to lease of a CSM and an ASM. If similiar, it would be reasonable to infer that CSMs are on the outs simply because people are growing tired of playing against them.