
After a couple of years studying blackjack and a full year praticing card-counting at my local casino, I feel ready to begin my journey as an AP.

Before beginning, I'd just need a confirmation (or red flags) of the viability of my experiment!

Bankroll : 16 000$
Rules : 8D H17 DAS ; Split up to 4 hands ; No surrender ; No RSA ; Pen 78% (between 75% to 85%)
Minimum bet 25$

I'm planning the following bet spread :
-1 : Wong out
0 : 25$
1 : 30$
2 : 40$
3 : 2 x 40$
4: 2 x 60$
5 and more : 2 x 100$

My CVCX simulation results :
EV = 1.279%
EV/Hour = 21$
Std dev / hour = 377.66$
Risk of ruin = 1.0%
DI = 5.20
SCORE = 27.07
CE = 10.24$
CE/WR = 0.50
N0 = 36 937

I do not expect to make a ton of money with that, I see it as a part time experiment...I want to keep my risk very low while slowly building a bigger bankroll and practicing. I know the rules are mediocre, but the casino is 10 min from my place and has very low heat.

I would highly appreciate and welcome any constructive feedback on my experiment.

Thank you,
