When you're on a terrific winning streak and all is going great, do you often stop to check your play and evaluate if you're making any mistakes? No? Why not? You do it when you're losing! Is it that you're stupider when you're losing? Or that you've forgotten how to play? 49 years at this, and I've never once remotely considered checking to see if I was playing wrong, whether up or down large amounts. It simply never made sense to me to do that.

Don, I am constantly working on improving my game and I do check my game when I have wins and when I have losses. Was my bet spread too aggressive or not aggressive enough, did I play a certain hand incorrectly depending what the count is. I practice and I practice using CVBJ to make sure when I am sitting at the table and playing its all muscle memory on how to play every hand correctly. I don't see what I am doing as second guessing but improving my game and reinforcing good habits and if I have any bad ones trying to identify them and eliminate them. The more I practice and train the more I reinforce not only my game play but my emotions as well so when I take that big loss or win I don't let it shake my plan.

I admit I am hobbist when it comes to BJ. I am fortunate to have a very well paying job that I can replace anything I lose and replenish my bankroll but I play to win and I want to win even if I am not a full time AP. So I drive myself to always improve and get better.