Quote Originally Posted by backmeoff View Post
Hi everyone,
is it fair to say that “beat the dealer” by professor Thorp is just truly a scam and it is the worst book about blackjack in the history?
Thorp wrote a book supposedly to teach people how to “beat the dealer” but he in reality he was beaten badly by the dealer at the blackjack table.
If someone wrote a book teaching people “how to beat cancer” but he himself died of cancer.
You guys would laugh your a off and call that author a scam artist right ?
Professor Thorp sold millions copies of his so called Basic Strategy (BS) to the public to follow when he himself knew it was a losing strategy.
Prof. Thorps BS is actually a disservice to millions of blackjack players around the world because all it did was to teach people how to be a guaranteed loser.
Unlike Beat the dealer many other USEFUL books by professor Wong, Ken U, Snyder, Don S… these authors actually teach people how to win at the blackjack tabl, so why do us card counters and AP so afraid to call out Thorp’s Beat the dealer for what it really is ?