I once got paranoid about risking an Incident for very little gain.

After finishing a moderately successful session, I wandered over to watch a high roller at the neighboring craps table. He had the table to himself and was steaming. When he seven'd out with a lot of action on the table, he yelled at the dealers and threw all his remaining chips at them with such force, a bunch of them flew off the table. He stomped off, leaving the dealers cussing under their breaths. One of the red chips rolled over to me, so I picked it up, and brought it over to the dealers. They were really in a sour mood, since this player had been a real A-hole. The dealer hissed "Keep It", so I thought well, ok, and stepped away.

Five minutes later the player comes back, and the dealers try to reconstruct what he had in his chip tray. Being the good guy that I am, I start to move toward him to return the Red, then thought hey, they told me to keep it, and what an a-hole he was. Now I'm feeling guilty. Now I'm thing the EITS would have caught everything, but then they would have seen that I tried to return the Chip. I'm thinking "You're such a goody two shoes. Cash out and get the f**k out of here". So I did.

Ok, so looking back on it, i was way to paranoid about risking an incident for a red chip. But was that good karma, or bad karma?