Quote Originally Posted by bigdaddy910 View Post
Why is it that I have never heard anyone put a quantifiable definition to the term "long run"?
Because you haven't looked.


Quote Originally Posted by bigdaddy910 View Post
How many people will ever play long enough to get to this far away land?
If you can play with a big enough advantage you can reach the long run very quickly. I'm talking about months or even weeks. Similarly, if you play at a big disadvantage (misplaying certain carnival games comes to mind) you will crash and burn very quickly.

Quote Originally Posted by bigdaddy910 View Post
Take any given betting strategy you please. Show exactly where the system leaves you after every 7200 hands.
And keep track of how many times the player went bankrupt before reaching 7200 hands. I'll say it again, end profit is not the answer:


Quote Originally Posted by bigdaddy910 View Post
Sure the system will fail after a million hands...
Or after 1,000 hands, or after 100. That losing streak might even start on your very first hand. It's like an axe hanging over your head and you never know when it will drop. Hopefully not before the rent is due.
