Quote Originally Posted by ACFERRET View Post
you could do that, but it wont be the hilo count anymore, and you will have all different index numbers, and efect per count etc
yes, i forgot to mention i play on 6D shoe games - and not single/DD. so I'm not too concerned with index plays at really negative numbers. I focus pretty much on high counts & its easy to do adjustments.

i have lately thought that, if you have a high hi-lo count, but there are surplus of aces. you'll have an issue when doubling 11 and although having an ace on your hand is great, ...if the dealer has a hidden ace or open ace, its super problematic too. Perhaps worst, since at high counts i don't really want to pull cards anyway.

Aces also improve the dealers 2-2, 4-3, 5-2 combos as well