Here is the complete list of Sims I ran modifying the shoe contents to see how the change in card counts affect the SCORE and to see if an Ace Side Count would offer any advantage . In every Sim run similar results were achieved. If there was too large a proportion of Aces to Tens, then the SCORE was substantially lower than the control Sim. When the Ace count fell in too large a proportion to the Tens, the SCORE fell but not as dramatically as the latter.
An Ace Side Count may be useful during the first 1-2 decks played of a shoe game if the SCORE is so dramatically affected. I would appreciate some input from the members.

RPC RA (there are no indices <-7 or >9
All card counts are formatted as: A(Ace)-(2)-(3)-?. T(tens)
CONTROL SIM results: 4.5/6D pen TBA=1.076 SCORE=49.00

One deck played:
A24-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-T76 TBA=1.030 SCORE=44.75
A20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-T80 TBA=1.117 SCORE=53.08
A18-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-T82 TBA=1.152 SCORE=56.69
A16-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-T84 TBA=1.129 SCORE=54.72
A12-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-T88 TBA=1.065 SCORE=49.21
A8-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-T92 TBA=0.943 SCORE=39.12

TWO decks played:
A24-16-16-16-16-16-16-16-16-T56 TBA=0.669 SCORE=18.84
A16-16-16-16-16-16-16-16-16-T64 TBA=1.109 SCORE=52.53
A12-16-16-16-16-16-16-16-16-T68 TBA=1.124 SCORE=54.59
A8-16-16-16-16-16-16-16-16-T72 TBA=1.007 SCORE=44.45

A24-15-14-12-20-18-17-14-18-T56 TBA=0.611 SCORE=15.78
A16-15-14-12-20-18-17-14-18-T64 TBA=1.057 SCORE=48.00
A12-15-14-12-20-18-17-14-18-T68 TBA=1.076 SCORE=50.34

A24-18-18-17-15-14-14-18-14-T56 TBA=0.625 SCORE=16.35
A20-18-18-17-15-14-14-18-14-T60 TBA=0.905 SCORE=34.42
A16-18-18-17-15-14-14-18-14-T64 TBA=1.058 SCORE=47.45
A12-18-18-17-15-14-14-18-14-T68 TBA=1.080 SCORE=50.00
A10-18-18-17-15-14-14-18-14-T70 TBA=1.019 SCORE=44.86

A24-20-20-19-13-12-12-19-13-T56 TBA=0.618 SCORE=15.86
A20-20-20-19-13-12-12-19-13-T60 TBA=0.915 SCORE=34.98
A16-20-20-19-13-12-12-19-13-T64 TBA=1.077 SCORE=48.82
A12-20-20-19-13-12-12-19-13-T68 TBA=1.094 SCORE=50.92
A10-20-20-19-13-12-12-19-13-T70 TBA=1.051 SCORE=47.38

Three Decks Played:
A24-12-12-12-12-12-12-12-12-T36 TBA=(-.415) SCORE=(-7.22)
A16-12-12-12-12-12-12-12-12-T44 TBA=0.833 SCORE=29.42
A12-12-12-12-12-12-12-12-12-T48 TBA=1.051 SCORE=47.35
A8-12-12-12-12-12-12-12-12-T52 TBA=1.030 SCORE=46.22

I'm happy to see it formatted ok.